Welcome to the
Greater Salem Artists Association!
All artwork is copyrighted © by their respective artist and are used on this website with permission. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.
GSAA Member Meetings
The GSAA holds monthly meetings during its "year" (September through May) for members and visitors to gather. Our meetings take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month
at the Kelley Library (lower level) in Salem, NH.
GSAA has monthly Plein Air Events. For more information, see our GSAANH and/or Merrimack Valley Plein Air Artists FACEBOOK pages for upcoming events.
Friday Morning Art Group
Paint Party has provided a space for GSAA members to create together on Fridays, 10am-12noon. Bring your own supplies, no instruction, $5 donation.
For more information relating to GSAANH, please go to the Contact page.